Thursday, April 12, 2012

IP Address

  • IP Address
  • Types of IP address
  • IP version 4 address format
  • Specifically addresses
  • Classes of IP Address
IP Address
  • Specifies the host address, host location in the network, routing to achieve
Types of IP address
  1. Public IP (Static), unique on the internet
  2. Local IP / Private, unique only within a network. According to ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers), local IP range:
  • -10,255,255,255;
Version 4 IP address format
  • 32 Bit
  • 4 segment
  • Consisting of network ID and host ID
Specifically addresses
  1. Network Address
  • Indicates the address of a network
  • IP Address in the network is the smallest
    2.  Broadcast Address
  • Used to send packets to all hosts on the network
  • IP Address in the network is the largest
    3. Loopback
  • Local address of each computer that is worth
Classes of IP Address
Classes range of IP:
  • Class A: IP sd 126 255 255 255 = 16,777,214
  • Class B: sd = 65 534 191 155 255 255 IP
  • Class C: IP sd = 254 223 255 255 255
  • Class D: s.d 239 255 255 255

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SOP Door Lock Activity Reading

Door Lock Activity Reading 1        1.    Prepare DTU Unit. 2.    Switch “On” DTU Unit. 3.    Put in Staff Code DTU, press Enter. ...