Thursday, July 6, 2017

SOP Door Lock Activity Reading

Door Lock Activity Reading
1       1.   Prepare DTU Unit.
2.   Switch “On” DTU Unit.
3.   Put in Staff Code DTU, press Enter.
4.   Put in Password, press Enter.
5.   Connect Target, press “1” as “R/C”.

SOP Door Data Up Load

Data Transfer from door lock activity reading to MIWA

1.      Set DTU Unit.
2.      Cable data from MIWA to DTU unit on “controller”
3.      Switch “On” DTU Unit.
4.      Put in Staff Code DTU “555555”, press Enter.
5.      Put in Password “5555”, press Enter.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


To ensure minimum level of security is maintained by all trust staff that has access to the IT Room and/or server room.
Users should not expect that internet is confidential or private but usually this would be the case. stahl Hotel retains the right to access or view users e-mail. This right will only be exercised where we genuinely believe that the user has not complied with this policy.
Prohibited Use
1.    A list (Server room access list) of authorized staff is currently listed in Apendix A. IT. Server room access list
2.    A procedure for the safe use of the room facilities within the IT Server room in X-Ray will be made available from the facilities directorate. This will mainly be concerned with the safe use of the fire safety system in the room

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


This policy applies to the use of email, computer  and outlines appropriate use of these systems by all employees in offices. E-mail is provided to us in order for  to carry out our employment duties.

Users should exercise good judgment and common sense when creating and distributing e-mail messages.

All e-mail sent to, or received froms are the property . Users should not expect that e-mail is confidential or private but usually this would be the case.  retains the right to access or view users e-mail. This right will only be exercised where we genuinely believe that the user has not complied with this policy. The General Manager is the only person authorized to access another person’s email and  Information Technology.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fever Patch plester penurun demam dari Rohto Andalan Semua Keluarga

Fever Patch plester penurun demam dari Rohto Andalan Semua Keluarga jika anak panas/demam orangtua bisa memberikan Fever Patch plester penurun demam dari Rohto

 langkah ini bisa dilakukan saat anak demam  Ma:

1. Amati dan pikirkan penyebabnya. Bila disusul dengan batuk pilek, Anda pun lega karena jelas penyebabnya adalah ISPA. 

2. Amati tanda kegawatdaruratan. Misalnya, penurunan kesadaran (perilaku anak  merupakan parameter kuat untuk menentukan ada tidaknya kegawa daruratan), dehidrasi, kejang, sesak napas, dan sakit kepala hebat (pada anak yang sudah bisa mengkomunikasikan keluhannya).  

3. Berikan cairan lebih sering dari biasanya, karena kebutuhan akan cairan akan meningkat saat demam. Demam akan meningkatkan risiko dehidrasi (kekurangan cairan tubuh), padahal dehidrasi akan membuat suhu tubuh lebih meningkat lagi. Ketika sakit, wajarlah jika selera makan anak menurun. Jadi, tawarkan makanan ringan, yang segar, rasanya enak, dan tampilannya menarik. Oya, makan tidak harus nasi, ya. Juga, jangan galau begitu anak menolak makan. Yang penting pada saat ini adalah asupan cairannya. 

4. Berikan obat demam, bila perlu. Obat demam tidak akan menormalkan suhu dan tidak menyembuhkan penyebab demam, melainkan agar anak merasa agak nyaman (karena efek pain killer-nya) dan untuk menurunkan 1 atau 2 derajat saja.  Obat demam diberikan saat anak sangat rewel karena merasa tak nyaman atau saat suhu tinggi (sedikitnya di atas 38,5°C). Dengan atau tanpa obat demam, suhu akan naik turun sesuai siklusnya.

5. Kadang, bila suhu sangat tinggi, anak merasa sangat tidak nyaman. Anda bisa mencoba menurunkan suhu tubuh dengan menyeka tubuh anak atau mengompres dengan handuk yang sudah dibasahi air hangat. Kompres air dingin sejenak seolah menurunkan suhu tubuh, padahal selain membuat anak menggigil tak nyaman, kompres dingin justru akan meningkatkan suhu tubuh. Mengapa? Karena saat dikompres dingin, informasi yang diperoleh tubuh adalah di luar suhu dingin. Otomatis termostat pusat pengatur suhu tubuh di otak akan meningkatkan suhu tubuh agar tidak kedinginan. (Foto: dok. Feminagroup.)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

zend framework

Programming - PHP
To understand what that framework, the following illustration may be sendikit help us to understand what that framework.

Agus is a freelance programmer. He just graduated from college and looking for work. After searching here and there through the website he then get the order website creation project. She gladly do the project.

He designed the system and do the coding from scratch, so it's pretty draining.

Finally the project is completed and the client happy with his work. Honor received sizable. Then the client is willing to recommend it if there are other companies that want to create a website. Mission complete.

SOP Door Lock Activity Reading

Door Lock Activity Reading 1        1.    Prepare DTU Unit. 2.    Switch “On” DTU Unit. 3.    Put in Staff Code DTU, press Enter. ...