Saturday, October 20, 2012

zend framework

Programming - PHP
To understand what that framework, the following illustration may be sendikit help us to understand what that framework.

Agus is a freelance programmer. He just graduated from college and looking for work. After searching here and there through the website he then get the order website creation project. She gladly do the project.

He designed the system and do the coding from scratch, so it's pretty draining.

Finally the project is completed and the client happy with his work. Honor received sizable. Then the client is willing to recommend it if there are other companies that want to create a website. Mission complete.

Two weeks later, another company making a website with requests for book features almost the same as the previous buyer. Any project that directly received and earned.

Agus again see the source code on the first project, edit the parts that need and use it on a second project, so the project this time he managed to do it much faster than the first project.

In making the project a second website, Agus realize that there baigan-part perogram should normally be always there to be used, for example, code to connect to the MySQL database, create pagination to display the data, or email. Thus, Agus create a collection that code at any time he could use if he membutuhkanya. So they can save energy and time in working on a website.

What this does is the embryo of a Agus framework, resulting in a very simple sense, the framework can be defined as a collection or a collection of pieces composed or organized program such that it can be used to help create complete applications without having to make all the code from scratch .

In my experience, developed a program created by others is more difficult than making the program from the beginning, because every programmer has style / styles vary in programming (a program), again most severe style adopted by the programmer is the style of 'direct beat ', no documentation and no comments / statements in the program

Imagine if we had to develop such a program again!? Let's say we are going to add new modules or features, not to mention if you have to fix the bugs and error, of course we have to master the style programmingnya programmer. Unfortunately again, most programs are protected / hidden so as not easily be modified, and some even use encryption of all, our brains can be curly develop such programs, it is better made than the early life of our own programming style.

Seeing this phenomenon, many companies are requiring the programmer to master framework, in fact, can be seen through programmer jobs, notably both print and online mediated. The reason is obvious, the framework, the style programmingnya been determined according to the rules of the framework, so it can no longer make a program with its own style. Because in general, programmers in companies contract system, so turn overnya fairly high level (mutually programmers are common in companies).

Well if these programs use the framework developed, the programmer anyone, as long as he controlled framework, it can certainly be developed in such a young prgoram, because the style is unified by the rules of the program framework, until here I think it is quite clearly one of the usefulness of the framework.

In simple terms can be explained that the framework is a set of functions (libraries), then a programmer does not need to make these functions (usually called the library collection) from the beginning, programmers live call library collection or existing functionality in framerwork, of course, how to use the function- function was determined by the framework. Some examples of standard functions that are already available in the framework is the paging function, encryption, email, SEO, session, security, calendar, language, image manipulation, graphics, tables zebra style, validation, upload, captcha, protection against XSS (XSS filtering), templates, compression, XML and others.

Currently, many PHP based framework, of which the most popular is the Zend Framework, Symphony, Prado, CakePHP, CodeIgniter (this is my favorite) and others.

According to some surveys, the CodeIgniter framework is easy to learn, because the structure and completeness of documentation keserhanaan good. In addition, the neatness of code (code clean and healthy) and a slim size makes it more quickly accessed than other frameworks.

Keep in mind almost (if not all) framework using the same concept in building an application, the concept of MVC (Model View Controller). In conclusion, if we understand the MVC, then outline kigta already mastered the framework, regardless of the type frameworknya. And one more key, understanding of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) will be very helpful in mastering the framework.

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